Double your pipeline, not your budget.

Instantly qualify, schedule, route leads to any sales rep, ensure a smooth handover to reps, and personalize meetings.

Book more meetings from all your channels
Fixed platform fee: $79/mo

No admin license fee.

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What’s included
Scheduling on web forms
Qualification on form and enriched values
Round-robin or any custom logic to route leads
Domain based matching
In-app scheduling
Booking pages for every user
Embeddable content in booking pages
Magic links for email campaigns
Multiple reminders & automated follow ups
Native integrations with HubSpot, Salesforce, Zoho, Slack, Clearbit, and more
Custom workflows for meetings
Unlimited form submissions. No admin license fee
Guided onboarding and implementation
24 hours support via Slack Connect
Scale inbound conversions across channels
Fixed platform fee: $79/mo

No admin license fee.

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What’s included
Everything in essentials plus:
Fuzzy matching
Matching based on any custom property
Lookup field based matching
Collective round robin
Custom owner updates
Dynamic meeting type assignment
Dynamic guest addition
Fallback redistribution
Contact/Lead creation
Group meeting links
Advanced scheduling windows
Custom code in booking pages
Complete whitelabelling
Custom domain for booking pages
Custom domain in notifications
Custom lists in routing
Okta SSO
Automate meeting handoffs and all the CRM admin work that comes with it
Handoff and book meetings on behalf of reps
Magic links for 1-click booking experiences in email sequences
Embed meeting slots in email for more conversions
Custom domain to stay on brand
Multiple reminders & automated follow ups
Custom lead to account matching for ABM & named account marketing
Fuzzy matching to route meetings to right rep
Compensate when no-shows happen or when reps are on a vacation
Guided onboarding & implementation
Native integration with Slack
24 hours support on Slack connect
DKIM to stay on brand and better email deliverability
Auto-populate form fills for more conversions and accurate routing

Unlimited meetings & form submissions. No admin license fee.

Request a Demo


ved by hundreds of modern B2B companies

L ved by hundreds of modern B2B companies

What’s included?

Everything! We only bill you for people who get meetings booked on their calendar. License fees doesn't apply to admins.

Worried about hidden charges? There aren't any.

See why 

revenue heroes

 like you prefer RevenueHero

Blair Ewalt
Marketing Manager

We just switched off Chili Piper in favor of RevenueHero. We found the team to be much more agile and responsive for a product with the same functionality (actually, RevenueHero has advanced routing functionality beyond Chili Piper which is why we made the switch).Also,

it's much more cost-effective.

Sam Lepak
Head of Growth

“Calendly on Steriods, Fraction the Cost of Chili Piper”

The support around the clock. Onboarding and setup was easy and they are on top of communication with feedback, requests, etc. Love the amount of customizations and down-to-earth, good people they have employed there!

Karl Viva
Director, Demand Generation

"Everything from the product to the support is 10/10"

RevenueHero improves my SaaS company's ability to better qualify leads by automatically booking calls with the correct teams. The rules and ways in which you can route leads (or disqualify them) are endless. The RevenueHero platform is easy to use and the support has been outstanding.

It was super easy to implement.

Bryan Bumgardner
Director of Growth Marketing

We evaluated Chili Piper and given that it's basically just an overlay for our existing Hubspot forms, we simply couldn't justify the cost. Our team isn't big enough to require the tools that Chili Piper was offering.

We ended up picking RevenueHero and it's much better price plus the support is like... the best I've ever seen at a SaaS tool. We're in a Slack with these guys and they answer my questions in less than 5 minutes. Or if I want a feature, give them a week and it's done.

Strongly recommending RevenueHero on this one

Your leads without RevenueHero

Tired of waiting for a meeting confirmation
Frustrated when their sales rep doesn’t understand their needs
Keep having to repeat the same info to different reps
Give up on the process and move on to another product

Your leads with RevenueHero

Can book meetings instantly from your website
Love that their sales rep specializes in their niche
Are always matched to their account owner
Book demos and convert faster

Know exactly how much you'll pay

Select your preferred plans, and add the number users to see your quote.

How many license do you need
How many license do you need
Here's what you will pay

Dont worry

we figured you might ask

How does RevenueHero's pricing work?
RevenueHero's product licenses are charged per user per month along with a fixed platform fee for Inbound Essentials and Inbound Enterprise plans. There is no platform fee for Outbound Essentials plan.
Why do I have to sit through a demo? I know what I want.
Our first call is a success process to get you onboarded and answer any questions you have.
Can I cancel my subscription?
Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore  in reprehenderit  in voluptate magna aliqua. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
How long does it take to implement RevenueHero?
Implementing a router for your form takes about an hour's time even for the most complex setup. Our integrations with your CRM is a one click process.
Can I change plans mid-year?
Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore  in reprehenderit  in voluptate magna aliqua. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
How long is the free trial?
We offer a commitment-free trial period of 14 days.
Do admins require a license?
No. We charge only for folks who get meetings booked on their calendars. We typically don't see admins in RevenueHero getting meetings on their calendar.
See RevenueHero in action!

No SDR qualification or BANT interrogation. Just a live demo of the product, tailor-made to your business.

Request a Demo
No hidden charges. No gimmicks.
Don't you just hate it when you get charged for every teensy-weensy thing?

Like a license fee for an admin who won't have meetings scheduled. For every form fill, even if they're unqualified. Or even to simply test the product.

That's why with RevenueHero, you pay exactly what you signed up for. No end-of-month surprises. No squeezing for every dime and nickel....

We like to #MakeBuyingSimple. It's just the RevenueHero way. So, there are no strings attached.

Pinky promise.

Lets Talk