POwer routes

Distribute prospects to sales reps with skill based routing

Closing certain types of prospects always requires your expert reps. Using this template, you can put skill based routing on auto-pilot by setting up special conditions for assigning tough prospects to your toughest reps.

Krishna Charan
May 22, 2024
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Have you ever had a subsection of your ICPs being tough to crack for sales? But easy at the same time for some of your reps? Every rep has their own skills and expertise in handling customers.

Some reps might be the go-to person for prospects from enterprise accounts. While a few others are experts in dealing with prospects from specific industries or regions. 

In this template, I’ll share how you can create a workflow to assign inbound leads to sales reps based on their skills. 

How to distribute a prospect to the right sales team?

Here’s how you can use RevenueHero to set up skill based routing and assign prospects to the best-fit reps who can handle them. 

1. Set up skill based distribution rules

Under Distribution Rules, you can set up conditions for identifying an inbound lead‘s region and route them to the right sales team. 

In RevenueHero, head to “Inbound” in the navigation bar and click on “Distribution Rules”. You will find existing distribution rules (if you’ve already set up some) and a button to create a new one.

Click on “Create New Rule” and choose “Assign to Single Member” when the distribution rule pop up appears. 

You will also see the Assign to Multiple Members option that might come in handy when you’re setting up collective round robin based on lead, account, and other custom properties. We’ll cover that on another power route.

In the “Assign Meetings” tab, you can add the sales team or territory to be used to assign prospects from a region.

Alternatively, you can also add Selected Members to this condition since we need to optimize for the expertise of your reps. In the GIF above, I’ve used a group called NAMER specialists, which you can create within a team.

Once you proceed, you can add conditions based on form inputs, CRM fields, and enriched data. For instance, you might need your specialist reps for a specific Buying Role and Continental Region. 

In the image below, you can see how you can configure them under Enrichment and lead-level data from the CRM

If you want to go deeper with the skill levels, there are a few more options like Employee Size and Industry of the inbound prospect as routing conditions. 

So if you have SMB and enterprise experts among sales reps, you can set up skill based routing based on the employee count of the prospect’s account.

As the final step, add Meeting Settings and save the skill based distribution rule that you have configured. You can also turn on the “Update the owner” toggle so the contact owner is automatically mapped in the CRM. 

2. Add the skill based routing rule to the inbound router

The distribution rules come alive only after you add them to inbound router(s) associated with forms. 

So for every meeting request page on your website, you need to configure an inbound router that brings together:

  • The form you want to map to the router
  • Matching rules to assign contact owners
  • Distribution rules to assign sales reps
  • Meeting type to map to the router
  • The booking widget that needs to show

Whatever you add as a distribution rule will be activated only if the conditions for matching rules are not met. 

Head to “Routers” in the Inbound nav bar and start setting up Distribution Rules. The Distribution Rules you’ve already added will show up here and you can just choose from the drop down.

Once you’re done adding other rules, form details, meeting type and widget setup, you can publish the router. 

If you’re looking to configure more workflows and use cases across your prospects’ meeting lifecycle, check out our other power routes.