POwer routes

Assign leads from a company to the account owner in the CRM

Enterprise companies have multiple decision makers who evaluate software in different timelines. With this template, you can build a workflow that matches a prospect from a company to their account owner using lead to account matching.

Krishna Charan
May 22, 2024
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If you have a long sales cycle, chances are that your sales team comes across multiple decision makers requesting a demo.

And what if each time, a different rep handles the demo? One, it’s a disconnected experience where the sales person who has the best context about the account’s problems is not involved after the first call.

Two, it’s unfair on your sales rep if they did the initial outreach to bring in the account.

At RevenueHero, I’ve seen reps use lead to account matching to mitigate this and assign an account owner to prospects from the same company. In this template, I’ll share how you can match an inbound prospect to their account owner.

How to automatically match a lead to the account owner?

Here’s how you can use RevenueHero to set up lead-to-account matching and ensure inbound leads from a company are assigned to their account owners.

1. Set up matching rules

In Matching Rules, you can set up conditions for identifying when an inbound lead already has an account owner in the CRM.

In RevenueHero, head to “Inbound” in the navigation bar and click on “Matching Rules”. You will find existing match rules and a button to create a new one.

Click on “Create New Rule” and choose “Assign to Single Member” when the matching rule pop up appears. 

You will also see the Assign to Multiple Members option which will be helpful if you’re setting up collective round robin based on lead, account, and other custom properties. 

You can use the Multiple Members option if you want to match the lead to a contact owner and also to a solution engineer (SE). When you're selling a technical product and need an SE on the first call to help answer technical questions, this collective round robin will come in handy in mapping an AE and SE for the meeting. We’ll cover this in detail on another power route.

Since we’re setting up matching based on account properties, select “Account” as the rule’s criteria and use “Prospect’s Email” as the object to be checked for a match. 

Under the “Other” option, you can also match accounts to owners based on form inputs such as company size or company name. But that would mean the original account owner may not get the meeting. 

Alternatively you can add Other options as a separate matching rule after using the account matching rule first – meaning, the priority goes for the account owner in the CRM.

Once you proceed, you’ll get a summary of the matching rules you’ve set up along with a few additional options for conditions. 

Depending on whom you want to use as the account’s owner you can choose between company owner or parent company owner in your CRM.

In the “Add Conditions” tab, you can also choose to use other conditions based on form inputs, CRM fields, and enriched data. 

Configuring these conditions will help you skip the matching step for edge cases where certain companies might require a specialist and not the existing account owner.

You can update the contact to match with property in the CRM and name the rule for simple identification when you set up the inbound router. 

But think this through when you’re matching a BU owner or SDR owner in the previous step. In this case, toggling the switch on will also make them the designated contact owner, if that’s what you want.

2. Add the matching rule to the inbound router

The matching rules come alive only after you add them to inbound router(s) associated with forms. 

So for every meeting request page on your website, you need to configure an inbound router that brings together:

  • The form you want to map to the router
  • Matching rules to assign contact owners
  • Distribution rules to assign sales reps
  • Meeting type to map to the router
  • The booking widget that needs to show

Whatever you add as a matching rule will be higher up in the pecking order and be prioritized by the inbound router. So, the distribution and redistribution rules are activated only when an inbound prospect doesn’t satisfy any matching rules.

Head to “Routers” in the Inbound nav bar and start adding your Matching Rules. Yes, the Matching Rules you’ve already configured will show up here and you can just choose from the drop down.

Once you’re done adding other rules, form details, meeting type and widget setup, you can publish the router. We’ll cover distribution rules and creating an inbound router in detail with dedicated templates soon. 

Note: CRM discipline is a prerequisite for lead-to-account matching. Your sales reps need to be diligent about marking contacts they own in the CRM.

If you’re looking to configure more workflows and use cases that span across your GTM, check out our other power routes.